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Book Pages


Journal Articles

Loughran, B. (2022) 'Artistic Research: A Creative Practice Perspective', ParTAKE: The Journal of Performance as Research, (5:1) (Available at

Burns, T., Desire, J., Gordon, J., McDonald, P. and Sinfield, S. (eds.) (2022) 'Into the Woods...A Tale of a Team', Say it with a story. The #creativeHE Annual 2022. Creativity for Learning in Higher Education Community, #creativeHE, (Story created by Beth Loughran with Victoria Barbé, Dr James Issitt and Tristan Poyser) DOI: 10.25416/NTR.21806085

Loughran, B. (2021) 'Sharing my practice and research in higher education:  

‘universal soul’, university soul, my university role and context', Movement, Dance and Drama: the magazine of the Laban Guild, (40:2), available here courtesy of


Loughran, B. (2023) b12: research or die: The festival for contemporary dance and performance art in Berlin, summer event, July 2022 by Evangelos Poulinas & Johannes Wieland, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, Intellect Books, volume 15.1 (Available at 10.1386/jdsp_00101_5)

Loughran, B. (2023) Inclusivity and Equality in Performance Training: Teaching and Learning for Neuro and Physical Diversity by Petronilla Whitfield (eds), National Drama: Drama Research, volume 14 (Available at

Loughran, B. (2022) Collaborative Embodied Performance: Ecologies of Skill by Kath Bicknell & John Sutton (eds), National Drama: Drama Research, volume 13 (Available at

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